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Litteratur og film
Barry, K. 2015: Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC. Skyhorse Publishing, NY.
Bigtree, D. et al. (produsent) & Wakefield, A. (red.) 2016: Vaxxed: from cover up to catastrophe [Film. Motion picture.] Cinema Libre Studio. USA.
Cernik, M. 2018: Ideological Constructs of Vaccination. Vega Press Ltd. UK.
Cowan, Th. 2018: Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness. Chelsea Green Publishing. London.
Fjelland, R. 2007: «Universet er ikke slik det synes å være.» Filosofi og naturvitenskap i historisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.
Gøtzsche, P. C. 2013: Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime. How big pharma has corrupted healthcare. Radcliffe publishing. Paperback. 310 sider. [Dansk utgave: Dødelig medicin og organiseret kriminalitet – hvordan medicinalindustrien har korrumperet sundhedsvæsenet. People’s Press, Kbh. 454 sider.]
Gøtzsche, P. 2019: Death of a whistleblower and Cochrane’s moral collapse. People’s Press. E-bok.
Gøtzsche, P. C. 2020: Vaccines. Truth, lies and controversy. Peoples’s Press. E-bok.
Handley, J. B. 2018: How to End the Autism Epidemic. Chelsea Green Publishing. London, UK.
Habakus, L. K. & Holland, M. 2012: Vaccine Epidemic. How corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children. Skyhorse Publishing. New York.
Holland, M. Rosenberg, K. M. & Iorio, E., 2018: The HPV-Vaccine on Trial. Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed. Skyhorse Publishing. New York.
Humphries, S. & R. Bystrianyk, 2015: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. CreateSpace Publishing. USA.
Kennedy, R. F. jr. (ed.) 2014: Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury–a Known Neurotoxin–from Vaccines. Skyhorse Publishing. NY.
Mikovits, J. & K. Heckenlively 2014: Plague. Skyhorse Publishing. NY.
Mikovits, J. & K. Heckenlively 2020: Plague of corruption. Skyhorse Publishing. NY.
Miller, N. Z. 2016: Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies. 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers. New Atlantean Press. Santa Fe. New Mexico.
Olmsted, D., & Blaxill, M. 2010: The age of autism: Mercury, medicine, and a manmade epidemic. New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books.
Roberts, J. 2010: The Vaccine Papers. Impact Investigative Media Productions. US.
Rogers, T. M. 2019: The Political Economy of Autism. Doctoral Thesis at the University of Sydney: https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/20198
Sarewitz, D. 1996. Frontiers of Illusion: Science, Technology and Politics of Progress. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Schjelderup V. 2014: Helsekampen. 100 års strid om alternativ medisin. Paradigmeskifte forlag, Stavanger.
Skaftnesmo, T. 2012: Folkefiender. Om sannhetens pris og vitenskapens sjel. Paradigmeskifte forlag. Stavanger.
Skaftnesmo, T. 2013: Evidensbasering. Det nye sannhetsmaskineriet. Paradigmeskifte forlag. Stavanger.
Skaftnesmo, T. 2016: Alle ting taler. Lytteøvelser. Paradigmeskifte forlag. Stavanger.
Wakefield A. 2020: 1986: The Act. 7th Chakra Films. http://1986theact.com/
[1] Lucija Tomljenovic, 24.01.2011: Being pro-vaccine safety does NOT make one anti-vaccine. British Medical Journal. http://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/11/03/being-pro-vaccine-safety-does-not-make-one-anti-vaccine
[2] https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2020/05/27/et-koronapass-kan-misbrukes/
[3] ”Thorvald og Gro snudde Ap-landsmøtet: Gro fikk flertall for obligatorisk vaksineforsøk. Thorvald fikk ja til heroin-assistert behandling.” VG, 18. april 2015. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/32bxL/thorvald-og-gro-snudde-ap-landsmoetet
[4] Jefferey Jaxen: Is the medical community invading your family? The Highwire, 23. juni, 2019. https://thehighwire.com/is-the-medical-community-invading-your-family/
[5] FNs (UNESCOs) «Verdenserklæring om bioetikk og menneskerettigheter»: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000146180_nor
[6] Den originale teksten finnes her: https://aapsonline.org/measles-outbreak-and-federal-vaccine-mandates/
[7] Som et eksempel kan nevnes at journalen Pediatrics, som utgis av AAP, sponses av vaksineindustrien. Hvor tungt vil de ikke oppgi. AAP står også bak den prestisjetunge organisasjonen PROS (Pediatrics Research in Office Settings), som sponses av Merck, som produserer MMR2-vaksinen. PROS er for øvrig også støttet av CDC. http://www2.aap.org/pros/funding.htm
[8] Men forbrukerne avgjør ikke hvem som får erstatning. Det avgjøres av de som saksøkes. Se: https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html … The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services medical staff reviews the petition, determines if it meets the medical criteria for compensation and makes a preliminary recommendation.
[9] https://www.npe.no/no/Om-NPE/Organisasjon/Finansiering-av-ordningen/
[10] www.informedchoiceusa.org
[11] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-child-combined-schedule.pdf Vaksinasjonsprogrammet i USA inntil 6-årsalder omfatter: 3 doser HepB; 2 doser Rotavirus; 5 doser á difteri, stivkrampe, kikhoste; 4 doser polio; 4 doser HiB; 4 doser Pneumokokk (PCV 13); 6-12 doser influensa; 2 doser á meslinger, kusma, røde hunder (MMR); 2 doser varicella; 2 doser HepA. Til sammen 46 doser av 14 vaksiner. Regner vi minimum dosering av influensavaksiner (én dose årlig), omfatter vaksinasjonsprogrammet for 0-18 år 69 doser av 16 vaksiner. Når det gjelder antall vaksiner, regnes hver enkeltvaksine i en kombinasjonsvaksine med. Immunologisk er det tre doser ved injeksjon av en kombinasjonsvaksine som MMR. Rogers (2019:287) kommer ut med resultatet 74 doser av 53 injeksjoner. Uansett hvordan en regner, er det snakk om en formidabel økning. I 1983 – tre år før The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act – omfattet vaksinasjonsprogrammet 24 doser av 7 vaksiner frem til 18 år.
[13] http://phrmadocs.phrma.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Vaccines_2013.pdf
[14] https://www.rescuepost.com/files/william-thompson-statement-27-august-2014-3.pdf
[15] https://www.citizensforethics.org/a-bitter-pill-how-big-pharma-lobbies-to-keep-prescription-drug-prices-high/ — Kongressen omfatter 535 representanter. Det er til sammenligning over 1400 lobbyister for Big Pharma som aktivt arbeider for å påvirke dem, samt regjeringens forvaltning. https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries/lobbyists?cycle=2019&id=H04 – De brukte i 2019 over $228 millioner på lobbyvirksomhet, noe som gjorde dem til den største lobbygruppen blant alle industrier, større enn elektronikk-bransjen ($119 millioner) og over dobbelt så store som olje og gass ($92 millioner). https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries?cycle=2019
[16] D’Ancona, F. et al. 2019: The law on compulsory vaccination in Italy: an update 2 years after the introduction. Euro Surveill. 2019 Jun 27; 24(26): 1900371. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6607737/ – samt: ANSA. Flexible vaccine obligation plan -Grillo: ANSA; 2018: http://www.ansa.it/english/news/politics/2018/08/09/flexible-vaccine-obligation-plan-grillo_ebffad1e-32ad-4fcc-acba-e2c05173845f.html
[17] Del Bigtree: Our Children Are Being Sold To The Pharmaceutical Industry. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=444626823258729
[18] https://www.healthchoicevt.com/kennedy-statement-plus-a-review-of-the-vaccine-safety-crisis/
[19] $500B Tsunami of Chronic Disease in Children (RKF jr., Children’s Health Defence): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaHQeTzXZH4&feature=youtu.be
[20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK8mbh7d21g (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kicked out of Riverside Church in Harlem)
[21] Ibid
[25] https://www.fhi.no/hn/helseregistre-og-registre/sysvak/barnevaksinasjon—statistikk/
[27] De fleste sykdommer ligger i området 85 til 95% – ifølge Wikipedia: https://no.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flokkimmunitet — En oversikt over helsemyndighetenes anbefalinger, differensiert etter de ulike smittsomme sykdommene, finnes her: https://www.eidsvoll.kommune.no/siteassets/20-pdf-dokumenter/politikk/tilleggsdokumenter/notat-vedrorende-vakisnasjonsdekning-i-eidsvoll-kommune.pdf — For meslinger oppgis 92-95%, som for øvrig kun er et nytt anslag i en historisk lang kjede, der det kritiske nivået stadig er blitt hevet. Rogers (2019:292) kommenterer: Critics of the current vaccine schedule argue that herd immunity is a myth promoted by pharmaceutical companies to sell more vaccines. They point out that the ‘herd immunity threshold’ (also called the ‘vaccine critical level’) — the proportion of the population who need to be vaccinated to provide herd immunity — keeps rising (Solomon, 2014). In the 1960s the U.S. Public Health Service claimed that it could eradicate measles by 1967 by vaccinating 55% of the population (Sencer, Dull, & Langmuir, 1967). Later the herd immunity threshold was revised upward to 70%, then 80%, 83%, 85%, and 90%, (Solomon, 2014). Now it is routine to see public health officials use 95% vaccination rates as essential for maintaining herd immunity (Offit, 2010). Fine et al. (2011) go one step further and recommend 100% immunisation rates which means that the size of the ‘herd’ that is protected through passive immunity approaches zero.
[29] Se: Saksnotat på FrPs landsmøte våren 2019, SAK 14: Ja til obligatorisk vaksinering. https://www.frp.no/landsmote2019
[30] https://tv.nrk.no/serie/urix/202001/NNFA53010920/avspiller
[31] Dag Hauffen: Fremskrittspartiet for tvangsmedisinering? Tidens Krav, 13.05.2019. – Kostnaden ved innkjøp av svineinfluensavaksinen var for øvrig 650 millioner kr, ikke 450: https://www.nrk.no/okonomi/svineinfluensavaksine-for-650-mill.-1.7182655
[32] Ragni E. Funner: Åpen melding til FrP angående vedtak om tvangsvaksinering. Norgesavisen, 08.05.2019
[33] Torstein Vik, Svein Arne Nordbø og Henrik Døllner: Er meslingvaksinen farligere enn meslinger? Aftenposten kronikk 25.05.2019. https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikk/i/9v8wep/Er-meslingvaksinen-farligere-enn-meslinger–Vik_-Nordbo-og-Dollner
[35] https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/measles
[36] Morton S. Biskind, MD: Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides. American Journal of Digestive Diseases, New York, 1953, v 20, p331.
[37] Poliomyelitis epidemic – 1958 (JAMA). http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=327642
[38] Jonas & Darrel Salk i Science, 4. mars 1977. Etter Humphries & Bystrianyk (2015).
[39] Paul Offit, 2005: The Cutter Incident. Yale University Press. USA.
[40] Buonargurio DA, Goleman JW, Patibandla SA et al. Direct Detection of Sabin Poliovirus Vaccine Strains in Stool Specimens of First-Dose Vaccinees by a Sensitive Reverse Transcription-PCR Method. J Clin Microbiol 1999; 37(2): 283 – 289.
[41] CDC. Poliomyelitis: Oral Poliovirus Vaccine. The Pink Book 2012.
[42] Francis T. et al. 1957: Evaluation of the 1954 Field Trial of Poliomyelitis Vaccine: Final Report. Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
[43] Richard Carter 1965: Breakkthrough: The Saga of Jonas Salk. Trident Press, New York.
[44] Raj GN. Polio free does not mean paralysis free. The Hindu 3. januar, 2013. http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/polio-free-does-not-mean-paralysis-free/article4266043.ece
[45] Dhiman R. et al. 2018: Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1755; doi:10.3390/ijerph15081755 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121585/pdf/ijerph-15-01755.pdf
[46] Vashisht N, Puliyel J. Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012 9(2): 114-117.
[47] https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/gates-others-pledge-1.2-billion-to-eradicate-polio
– For en mer inngående kritisk gjennomgang av Gates Foundations innflytelse og aktivitet innenfor helsepolitikken, vises til Dag Fallets artikkel: https://dagfallet.com/2020/04/10/bill-og-melinda-gates-foundation-under-kraftig-kritikk-innen-akademia/
[48] The National Vaccine Information Center: The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission. NVIC Referenced Report – Nov. 2014.
[49] The Atlantic Monthly; February 2000; The Virus and the Vaccine – 00.02 (Part Three); Volume 285, No. 2; page 68-80.
[50] Bernice E. Eddy (1962): Tumors Produced in Hamsters by SV40, 21 FED’N PROC 930, 930–35.
Bernice E. Eddy et al. (1962): Identification of the Oncogenic Substance in Rhesus Monkey Kidney Cell Cultures as Simian Virus 40, 17 VIROLOGY 65–75.
[51] Op.cit. The Atlantic (2000).
[52] S. Humphries & R. Bystrianyk (2015) s. 279 og Op.cit. The Atlantic (2000).
[53] Op.cit. The Atlantic (2000).
[54] Op.cit. The Atlantic (2000).
[55] Se: www.ouralexander.org/BurtonSV40%20Letter%20(2003).doc
[56] R. A. Vilchez & J. S. Butel (2004): Emergent Human Pathogen Simian Virus 40 and Its Role in Cancer. Clin Microbial Rew. 2004 Jul; 17(3):495-508. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC452549/
[57] Opplysningen i dette avsnittet er fra forordet i Mikotivs & Heckenlively (2020) av Robert F. Kennedy jr.
[58] Op.cit. The Atlantic (2000).
[59] Etter Holland et al. 2018, s. 237. Originalsitatet finnes i: Federal Register, Vol 49, No 107, at 23007 (1. juni 1984)
[60] Dr. Russel Blaylock (2012): The Deadly Impossibility of Herd Immunity through Vaccination. https://globalfreedommovement.org/the-deadly-impossibility-of-herd-immunity-through-vaccination/
[61] Paunio M., Hedman K. et al. 2013: Secondary measles vaccine failures identified by measurement of IgG avidity: high occurrence among teenagers vaccinated at a young age. Epidemiol Infect. 2000 Apr;124(2):263-71.
Secondary measles-vaccine failures are more common than was more previously thought, particularly among individuals vaccinated in early life, long ago, and among re-vaccinees. Waning immunity even among individuals vaccinated after 15 months of age, without the boosting effect of natural infections should be considered a relevant possibility in future planning of vaccination against measles.
Se også: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/dont-blame-the-critics-fix-the-problem/
[62] Gregory A. Poland et al. 2012: The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines? Vaccine. 2012 Jan 5; 30(2): 103–104.
Multiple studies demonstrate that 2–10% of those immunized with two doses of measles vaccine fail to develop protective antibody levels, and that immunity can wane over time and result in infection (so-called secondary vaccine failure) when the individual is exposed to measles. For example, during the 1989–1991 U.S. measles outbreaks 20–40% of the individuals affected had been previously immunized with one to two doses of vaccine.
Wood DL, Brunell PA. 1995: Measles control in the United States: problems of the past and challenges for the future. Clin. Microbiol Rev. 1995;8(2):260-267. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC172858/pdf/080260.pdf
[64] Både utbrudd og spredning (shedding) etter meslinge-vaksinasjon er for lengst dokumentert. Se: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/04/measles-outbreak-traced-fully-vaccinated-patient-first-time — Det eneste det står strid om, er hvor stort problemet er.
[65] https://www.nvic.org/vaccine-strain-virus-shedding-and-transmission.aspx
[66] Tramuto F. et al. 2015: Post-vaccine measles in a child with concomitant influenza, Sicily, Italy, March 2015. Eurosurveillance 2015;20(20):pii=21134. http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=21134
Murti, M. et al. 2013: Case of vaccine-associated measles five weeks post-immunisation, British Columbia, Canada, October 2013 Eurosurveillance Volume 18, Issue 49, 05/Dec/2013. https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2013.18.49.20649
Sood, B. S. et al. 2017: Vaccine-associated measles in an immunocompetent child. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Nov; 5(11): 1765–1767. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5676287/ — Mens det er få rapporterte tilfeller av vaksineinduserte meslinger, er forekomsten av vaksineindusert kikhoste mye mer utbredt. Se: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-failures-part-2-pertussis-vaccination/ — og: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/pertussis-vaccine-failure-not-failure-to-vaccinate/
[67] Cowan (2018); se også: Tetyana Obukhanych: Natural immunity and Vaccination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dts3ebwWlo — samt Poland, GA & Jacobson, RM, Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20: Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8053748
[68] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flu-hcp-info.pdf
[69] Jonas & Darrel Salk i Science, 4. mars 1977. Etter Humphries & Bystrianyk (2015).
[70] Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2016): Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR https://jcm.asm.org/content/55/3/735
[71] Dagbladet 2. november 2019: Mesling-mysterium kan være oppklart. Nye forskningsresultater bør være spikeren i kista for vaksinemotstandere, mener professor i medisin. https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/mesling-mysterium-kan-vaere-oppklart/71775052
[73] https://www.livescience.com/measles-wipes-immune-memory.html
[74] https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6465/599 (Michael J. Mina, m. fl., Measles virus infection diminishes preexisting antibodies that offer protection from other pathogens. Science, november 2019.); https://immunology.sciencemag.org/content/4/41/eaay6125 (Velislava N. Petrova, m. fl., Incomplete genetic reconstitution of B cell pools contributes to prolonged immunosuppression after measles. Science Immunology, november 2019.)
Hypotesen om at meslinger fører til «immun-amnesi» var imidlertid fremsatt i Science allerede fire år før, i denne studien: Mina MJ, Metcalf CJ, de Swart RL et al. Long-term measles-induced immunomodulation increases overall childhood infectious disease mortality. Science 2015;348:694–9. 10.1126/science.aaa3662
Peter Aaby og hans team adresserer denne hypotesen i en artikkel i BMJ Open året etter, der de blant annet sier:
It has recently been suggested by a major paper in Science that the beneficial non-specific effects of MV [Measles Vaccination] are due to MV preventing the profound measles-induced immune amnesia, which is supposed to lead to excess mortality from other causes than measles infection. However, the problem with that hypothesis is that all available studies—including the present one—suggest lower mortality rather than excess mortality among those who survive the acute phase of measles infection.
Se: Søren Wengel Mogensen, Peter Aaby, Lars Smedman, Cesário L Martins, Amabelia Rodrigues, Christine S Benn, Henrik Ravn: Introduction of standard measles vaccination in an urban African community in 1979 and overall child survival: a reanalysis of data from a cohort study. BMJ Open. 2016; 6(12): e011317.
[75] Aaby P. et al. 1996: No persistent T lymphocyte immunosuppression or increased mortality after measles infection: a community study from Guinea-Bissau. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1996 Jan;15(1):39-44. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8684874
[76] Aaby, P. et al. 2002: Low mortality after mild measles infection compared to uninfected children in rural West Africa. Vaccine. 2002 Nov 22;21(1-2):120-6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12443670
[77] Aaby P. et al. 2003: The survival benefit of measles immunization may not be explained entirely by the prevention of measles disease: a community study from rural Bangladesh. Int J Epidemiol. 2003 Feb;32(1):106-16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12690020
[78] https://www.tetyanaobukhanych.com/blog/should-you-be-afraid-that-measles-gives-you-immune-amnesia
[79] Zinkernagel, R. 2012: Immunological memory ≠ protective immunity. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2012 May;69(10):1635-40. doi: 10.1007/s00018-012-0972-y. 6.https://www.zora.uzh.ch/id/eprint/156214/1/ZORA_NL_156214.pdf
[80] https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/02/donald-w-miller-jr-md/more-dangerous-than-measles/
[81] Daniel W. Cramer et al. 2010: Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Aug; 21(8): 1193–1201. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2951028/
[83] Rosenlund, H. 2009: Allergic disease and atopic sensitization in children in relation to measles vaccination and measles infection. Pediatrics. 2009 Mar;123(3):771-8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-0013. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19255001
Alm, J., Swartz, J. et al. 1999: Atopy in children of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle. Lancet; 353: 1485-1488. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10232315
Flöistrup H., Swartz, J. et al. 2006: Allergic disease and sensitization in Steiner school children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunologi, 117(1): 59-66. https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(05)02128-7/fulltext
Breastfeeding Puts Children At Lower Risk For Allergies And Asthma (2015), http://www.inquisitr.com/1865057/breastfeeding-puts-children-at-lower-risk-for-allergies-and-asthma-says-new-study
Rønne, T. 1985: Measles virus infection without rash in childhood is related to disease in adult life, Lancet, 1985 Jan 5;1(8419):1-5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2856946
Sasco AJ & Paffenbarger RS Jr. 1985: Measles infection and Parkinson’s disease, American Journal of Epidemiolgy, 1985 Dec;122(6):1017-31. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4061437
Parodi S. et al. 2013: Childhood infectious diseases and risk of leukaemia in an adult population, International Journal of Cancer, 2013 Oct 15;133(8):1892-9. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28205. Epub 2013 Jul 6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23575988
Kubota Y. et al. 2015: Association of measles and mumps with cardiovascular disease: The Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) study, Atherosclerosis, 2015 Aug;241(2):682-6. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2015.06.026. Epub 2015 Jun 18. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26122188
Mayo Clinic 2006: Harnessing The Measles Virus To Attack Cancer, Science Daily, 31. okt., 2006, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/10/061030143318.htm
[85] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/06-25-19-Vaxxed-vs-Unvaxxed-Slides.pdf
[86] Her er noen eksempler:
– Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? http://info.cmsri.org/the-driven-researcher-blog/vaccinated-vs.-unvaccinated-guess-who-is-sicker
– Vaxxed Vs. Unvaxxed: A Study Finally Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: http://www.thefamilythathealstogether.com/vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed-are-unvaccinated-children-healthier-than-those-who-are-vaccinated/
– New Zealand Survey Of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children’s Health: http://www.vaccinationinformationnetwork.com/new-zealand-survey-of-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-childrens-health/
– Unvaccinated Children Have Much Lower Rates of Chronic Illness, Jackson State Study Find – May 17, 2017: https://worldmercuryproject.org/news/unvaccinated-children-much-lower-rates-chronic-illness-jackson-state-study-finds/
[88] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/06-25-19-Vaxxed-vs-Unvaxxed-Slides.pdf
[89] Her har CHD faktisk oppgitt et for lavt tall for jenter (10X); dette tallet gjelder for alle barn med DTP alene. For jenter er det en 12X økt mortalitet, jf. tabell 3 i Mogensen et al. 2017: The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment. EBioMedicine. 2017 Mar; 17: 192–198. Published online 2017 Feb 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5360569/
[90] Mindre kjent – og paradoksalt – er det at vi nå også opplever en økning av livmorhalskreft innenfor gruppen av HPV-vaksinerte kvinner i 20-årene: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/bombshell-study-questioning-hpv-vaccine-efficacy-appears-as-the-uks-cervical-cancer-rates-rise-in-young/?utm_source=mailchimp — se også: http://docteur.nicoledelepine.fr/paradoxical-effect-of-anti-hpv-vaccine-gardasil-on-cervical-cancer-rate/ — Alt i alt er det siden Gardasil kom på markedet i USA i 2006 meldt inn 450 dødsfall og over 61.000 alvorlige reaksjoner fra HPV-vaksiner til VAERS: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/25-reasons-to-avoid-the-gardasil-vaccine/
[91] De fire siste listepunkter er fra studien: Hooker B. & Miller, N. 2020: Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders. SAGE Open Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050312120925344
[92] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/americans-can-handle-an-open-discussion-on-vaccines-rfk-jr-responds-to-criticism-from-his-family/ — Ser vi på detaljene i økningen av kroniske sykdommer – nevrologiske, metabolske og autoimmune – fremkommer nokså utrolige tall. De har sin bakgrunn i at mange av disse sykdommene og tilstandene var nærmest ukjente før 1980. Her er en oversikt fra Lear (2016), som viser økningen i prevalens i USA siden 1980 av følgende sykdommer og lidelser: Autisme (2094%), Alzheimer (299%), kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom (KOLS) (148%), diabetes (305%), søvnapné (430%), cøliaki (1111%), ADHD (819%), astma (142%), depresjon (280%), bipolar lidelse hos ungdom (10833%), artrose (449%), lupus (787%), inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (120%), kronisk utmattelsessyndrom (CFS/ME) (11027%), fibromyalgi (7727%), multippel sklerose (117%) og lavt stoffskifte (hypothyroidisme) (702%). Richard Lear (2016): The Root Cause in the dramatic rice of Chronic Disease. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303673576_The_Root_Cause_in_the_dramatic_rise_of_Chronic_Disease
Det hører med til bildet at forventet levealder nå synker i USA. Den har vært synkende siden 2014: Woolf SH, Schoomaker H. Life Expectancy and Mortality Rates in the United States, 1959-2017. JAMA. 2019;322(20):1996–2016. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.16932 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2756187?fbclid=IwAR3yKjGEwhHeO_QoouevE_nRIvLNeKht2Gh3yzSTJDt183iFbT_fW_PEGaE
[94] Amy Becker & Mark Blaxill, 2020: Lessons from the Lockdown. Why are so many fewer children dying? https://healthchoice.org/lessons-from-the-lockdown/
[96] Se for eksempel W.H.O CHIEF SCIENTIST CAUGHT LYING TO THE PUBLIC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUN6TiKtPvs
[97] Jf. for eksempel https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/aluminum-and-mercury-synergy-a-perfect-storm/
[98] CAUGHT ON CAMERA: W.H.O Scientists Question Safety Of Vaccines. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/video/caught-on-camera-w-h-o-scientists-question-safety-of-vaccine/
[99] Se (fra 1.05 min.): WHO works to ensure vaccinations are safe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2daHNASfLo
[100] Dokumentene kan leses på https://childrenshealthdefence.org
[101] En sammenligning mellom bruk av jukseplacebo (i form av AAHS) og ekte placebo, er foretatt i denne studien: Inbar, R. et al. 2017: Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil. Immunol Res. 2017 Feb;65(1):136-149. doi: 10.1007/s12026-016-8826-6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27421722
En hovedkonklusjon i studien var at: It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes.
[102] David A Geier, Janet K Kern, Mark R Geier (2019): A cross-sectional study of the relationship between reported human papillomavirus vaccine exposure and the incidence of reported asthma in the United States. SAGE Open Medicine. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2050312118822650
[103] Claire P Rees et al. 2020: Will HPV vaccination prevent cervical cancer?, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0141076819899308.
[104] https://www.fda.gov/files/vaccines,%20blood%20&%20biologics/published/Package-Insert—Gardasil.pdf; se også: https://spiritofchange.org/disease-risk-soars-44-6-percent-with-this-worst-vaccine-ever/
[107] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db291.htm, og: https://www.rutgers.edu/news/autism-rate-continues-surge-new-jersey-rutgers-study-finds
[108] Også annet helsepersonell eller foreldre kan rapportere inn til VAERS, men har ofte ikke kjennskap til muligheten eller rutinene eller de ser ingen grunn til å foreta rapporteringen. I alle fall innrapporteres under 1% av «uønskede hendelser» (adverse events) etter vaksinasjon til VAERS.
[111] No one knows how prevalent an Asperger profile is. Some professionals currently surmise that at least one in every 250 people has an Asperger profile. https://www.aane.org/prevalence/ – Det kan også nevnes at det blant de rundt 3,5 millioner som er diagnostisert for autisme i USA, har ca. 40% alvorlig autisme (non-verbale). I over 50% av disse tilfellene relaterer deres mødre autismen til vaksinering.
[112] Ikke desto mindre skjer dette stadig, spesielt i den amerikanske debatten, som når man hyller neurodevelopmental diversity og snakker lettsinnet om neurotribes. Jf. Steve Silberman, 2015: Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity. Avery. New York.
[113] Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: Reviewing the Federal Government’s Track Record and Charting a Course for the Future. (2002:30). http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-107hhrg84605/pdf/CHRG-107hhrg84605.pdf
[114] Etter Handley, 2018, s. 16
[115] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db291.htm
[116] https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/autism/autism-rate-jumps-1-36-children-1-28-boys
[117] Her er en artikkel som redegjør for CDCs bruk av triks og knep for å pynte på autisme-statistikken: https://www.ageofautism.com/2019/08/best-of-lies-damned-lies-and-cdc-autism-statistics.html
[118] https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p0331-children-autism.html
[120] Aspergers syndrom ble føyd til listen (DSM-4) i 1994, men formelt ble syndromet (sammen med PDD) slått sammen med ASD først i 2013 (DSM-5). Se Rogers (2019:18). Asperger ble imidlertid regnet som en «mild form for autisme» lenge før denne formaliseringen.
[121] Cynthia D Nevison, 2014: A comparison of temporal trends in United States autism prevalence to trends in suspected environmental factors. Environmental Health. 2014; 13: 73. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4177682/
[122] GAO-05-220 Special Education: Children With Autism (2005): www.gao.gov/new.items/d05220.pdf
[123] Catherine Rice, 2009, op. cit.
[124] Sullivan, M. G. 2005: Autism increase not a result of reclassification. Clin. Psychiat. News. May, p. 68. http://psych.imng.com/fileadmin/content_pdf/cpn/archive_pdf/vol33iss5/70381_main.pdf — Jf. Olmsted & Blaxill, 2010 – som gir en videre historisk oversikt.
[125] Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. Evidence to US House of Representatives Committee May 2006. http://www.genome.gov/18016846
[126] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/autism.html
[128] Se Kennedy, 2014. Se også filmen: http://traceamounts.com/watch-the-trailer/
[129] Med hensyn til glyfosat i vaksiner, se: Samsel, A. et al. 2017 Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases VI: Prions, amyloidoses and autoimmune neurological diseases. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry. March 2017. doi: 10.4024/25SA16A.jbpc.17.01 https://www3.nd.edu/~aseriann/Glyphosate_2.pdf
Fra artikkelen: Most disturbing is the presence of glyphosate in many popular vaccines including the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which we have verified here for the first time. […] It is significant that MMR-II consistently contained the highest levels of glyphosate, significantly more than any of the other vaccines. This vaccine uses up to 12% hydrolysed gelatin as an excipient–stabilizer; as well as foetal bovine serum albumin, human serum albumin and residual chick embryo; all of which are contaminated by glyphosate during animal production.
Angående hva vaksiner ellers inneholder og ikke inneholder, se: Corvelva, 2018: Vaccinegate. Metagenomic analysis report on vaccine samples (pdf). https://goo.gl/n6tQDn (Mer fra Corvelva på https://www.corvelva.it)
[130] Helen V. Ratajczak (2011) Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes—A review, Journal of Immunotoxicology, 8:1, 68-79. Link to this article: https://doi.org/10.3109/1547691X.2010.545086
[131] Helen V. Ratajczak, 2011, op. cit.
[132] Sharyl Attkisson, 2011, op.cit.
[133] Deisher, T. A. et al. 2015: Epidemiologic and Molecular Relationship Between Vaccine Manufacture and Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence. Issues Law Med. 2015;30 (1): 47-70. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26103708/
[134] Hang Lee, S. 2012: Detection of human papillomavirus L1 gene DNA fragments in postmortem blood and spleen after Gardasil® vaccination—A case report. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2012, 3, 1214-1224. https://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=25840
Hang Lee, S. 2013: Topological conformational changes of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA bound to an insoluble aluminum salt—A study by low temperature PCR. Advances in Biological Chemistry. 03. 76-85. 10.4236/abc.2013.31010. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273751597_Topological_conformational_changes_of_human_papillomavirus_HPV_DNA_bound_to_an_insoluble_aluminum_salt-A_study_by_low_temperature_PCR
Faktisk er såkalte «Non-B DNA-strukturer» forbundet med 70 alvorlige sykdommer: These rearrangements are the genetic basis for numerous human genomic diseases, including polycystic kidney disease, adrenoleukodystrophy, follicular lymphomas, and spermatogenic failure (55). At least 70 diseases fall into this category (56–58). Se: Robert D. Wells, 2008: Discovery of the Role of Non-B DNA Structures in Mutagenesis and Human Genomic Disorders. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284, 8997-9009. http://www.jbc.org/content/284/14/8997
Hang Lees funn er blitt bekreftet av et fransk forskerteam – Hélène Péré, Claire Fayard, Laurent Bélec, 2014: Confirmation of the Creation of a Novel Molecule in Gardasil. Confirmatory detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 gene DNA sequences in the quadrivalent HPV vaccine Gaardasil® based on virus-like particles production by recombinant expression of major capsid antigen L1 yeast.
Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Laboratoire de Virologie, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, and Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes, Université Paris Descartes (Paris V), Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France.
Se også: https://sanevax.org/gardasil-contamination-ema-steps-up-to-the-plate-fda-drops-the-ball/ & https://sanevax.org/sane-vax-to-fda-recombinant-hpv-dna-found-in-multiple-samples-of-gardasil/
[135] Toby M. Rogers, 2019: The Political Economy of Autism. Doctoral Thesis at the University of Sydney. https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/20198
[136] Ifølge Toby Rogers har solid forskning demonstrert at følgende giftstoffer /miljøfaktorer øker autisme-risikoen: Kvikksølv; ingredienser i plastikk og flammehemmere; pesticider og herbicider (som glyfosat); EMF (elektromagnetiske felt) og RFS (radiofrekvent stråling); visse farmasøytiske produkter, som for eksempel paracetamol, samt vaksiner og vaksinekomponenter. Jf. The True Cost of Autism with Dr. Toby Rogers https://childrenshealthdefense.org/video/the-true-cost-of-autism-with-dr-toby-rogers/
[137] Geier M. & Geier D. 2003: Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopment Disorders, and Heart Disease in the United States. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. Volume 8 Number 1. https://www.jpands.org/vol8no1/geier.pdf — I denne undersøkelsen ble det også vist til at det forekommer rester av tiomersal i barnevaksiner. Sitat fra undersøkelsen: Vi har nylig gjennomgått Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) for USA (2003) og fant ut at noen barnevaksiner fremdeles inneholder tiomersal. DTaP produsert av Aventis Pasteur inneholder 25 ug kvikksølv, Hemophilus influenza b (Hib) vaksine produsert av Wyeth inneholder 25 µg kvikksølv og vaksine mot hepatitt B hos barn produsert av Merck inneholder 12,5 µg kvikksølv. I tillegg inneholder også influensavaksine, som anbefales for en økende del av barn i USA, 25 ug kvikksølv. Derfor er det faktisk mulig at barn i USA i 2003 kan være utsatt for nivåer av kvikksølv fra tiomersal i barnevaksinasjoner som er på et høyere nivå enn noen gang tidligere. Mulig total kvikksølv-eksponering for barn i 2003 er mer enn 300 ug.
[138] Hewitson L et al. 2010: Delayed acquisition of neonatal reflexes in newborn primates receiving a thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccine: influence of gestational age and birth weight. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2010;73(19):1298-313. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20711932
[139] Etter Evelyn Pringle, 2006: Government Investigation Finds Autism Vaccine Related. http://www.opednews.com/articles/1/genera_evelyn_p_060813_government_investiga.htm
[140] Persons for Whom Annual Vaccination is Recommended. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/acip/persons.htm
[141] Myron Levin, 2005: Merck Misled on Vaccines, Some Say. Los Angeles Times, 7. mars 2005: http://articles.latimes.com/2005/mar/07/business/fi-merck7
[142] De fire var Hib/Hepatitt B-vaksinen Comvax (Merck), Hepatitt B-vaksinen Engerix (GlaxoSmithKline), DTaP-HepB-IPV Pediarix (GlaxoSmithKline) og pneumokokk konjugat vaksinen Prevnar (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc). Se: http://hapihealth.org/vaccine-testing/vaccine-testing.html
[143] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/aluminum-and-mercury-synergy-a-perfect-storm/
[144] http://www.whale.to/v/haley_q.html
[145] Madsen KM, Lauritsen, MB, Pedersen CB, Thorsen P, Plesner AM, Andersen PH & Mortensen PB. Thimerosal and the Occurrence of Autism: Negative Ecological Evidence From Danish Population-Based Data. Pediatrics. 2003;112(3):604-606 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12949291
[146] Institute of Medicine, 2004: Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism. Washington, DC: National Academy Press
[147] Jeffrey A. Trelka, 2007: How mercury was absolved: creativity, collusion and censorship. Medical Veritas 4 (2007) 1390–1392. http://www.know-vaccines.org/PDF/
[148] F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP, 2008: The Unconvincing Thimerosal Epidemiological Studies: How and Why They Were Produced, Published and Protected. Vaccine Autoimmune Project Publication. http://www.whale.to/vaccine/yazbak201.html
[149] Trelka, 2007, op.cit.
[150] CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DoJ in alleged fraud scheme. http://www.naturalnews.com/032216_Thorsen_fraud.html
[151] Kjell Døving: Gift tillatt i vaksiner. Aftenposten 29.12.2008.
[152] Chris Exley, 2017: Aluminium Adjuvans in Vaccines. The Hippocratic Post (blogg). https://www.hippocraticpost.com/infection-diesase/aluminium-adjuvants-vaccines/ – jf. forskningen på ASIA: Ferrer-Cosme B, et al. 2017: Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. A new clinical entity? Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2017 May-Jun;55(3):362-373. Review. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28440992
[153] Paul Patterson 2006: Pregnancy, Immunity, Schizophrenia, and Autism. Engineering and Science, 69, No. 3, 2006:14.
[154] https://funksjonellmedisin.no/2019/10/ny-studie-betennelse-sentral-rolle-i-autisme/ – jf.https://www.pnas.org/content/116/43/21659
[155] Christopher Exeley et al. 2018: Aluminium in Brain Tissue and Autism. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 46 (2018): 76-82.
[156] Det gjelder for eksempel Hepatitt A og B-vaksiner, DTP-vaksine, Hib-vaksine og Pneumokokk-vaksine – som alle inngår i barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet. I tillegg kommer evt. aluminium-eksponering via influensa-vaksiner, før og etter fødsel. Mengden av injisert aluminium frem til 18 mnd. var i USA på 1980-tallet rundt 1250 mikrogram, i dag er den – nær firedoblet – på 4925 mikrogram. Handley (2018:150)
[157] Handley (2018:164); jf. http://vaccinepapers.org/wp-content/uploads/Autism-and-aluminum-adjuvants-in-vaccines-1.pdf
[158] Singh, V. P. et al. 2002: Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. J Biomed Sci. Jul-Aug 2002;9(4):359-64. doi: 10.1007/BF02256592. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12145534/
[159] Hanne Nøkleby (redaksjonelt) 2001: Vaksinasjon, inflammatorisk tarmsykdom og autisme – er det noen sammenheng? Tidsskrift for Den Norske Legeforening. 2001; 121:2679 [Hanne Nøkleby var i 2001 avdelingsoverlege ved Avdeling for vaksine, Statens institutt for folkehelse, fra 2002 innlemmet i Folkehelseinstituttet.]
[160] Camilla Stoltenberg i Morgenbladet 25.02.2011: Meslingvaksine fører ikke til autisme. http://www.morgenbladet.no/article/20110225/OSPALTISTER/702259881
[161] Tore Midtvedt m.fl. i Morgenbladet 18.03.2011: Sunn skepsis. http://www.morgenbladet.no/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110318/ODEBATT/703189967/-1/AKTUELT
[162] Helen V. Ratajczak, 2011: Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes—A review. Journal of Immunotoxicology, 2011; 8(1): 68–79. www.cogforlife.org/ratajczakstudy.pdf
[163] Stig Frøland i Morgenbladet 01.04.2011: Hvem desinformerer om vaksiner? http://www.morgenbladet.no/article/20110401/ODEBATT/704019979
[164] Mary Holland, Louis Conte, Robert Krakow & Lisa Colin 2011: Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury. http://digitalcommons.pace.edu/pelr/vol28/iss2/6/
[165] Sharyl Attkisson: CDC: ”Possibility” that vaccines rarely trigger autism. http://sharylattkisson.com/cdc-possibility-that-vaccines-rarely-trigger-autism
[166] Claudia Wallis, 10.03.2008: Case Study: Autism and Vaccines: Time Health. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1721109,00.html
[167] CNN: House call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, 29.03.2008: Unravelling the Mystery of Autism; Talking With the CDC Director; Stories of Children with Autism; Aging with Autism. Utskrift finnes her: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0803/29/hcsg.01.html
TV-programmet er tilgjengelig her: http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/secret-british-mmr-vaccine-files-forced-open-by-legal-action/#US_Developments
[168] Claudia Wallis 2011, op. cit.
[169] DA Rossignol & RE Frye, 2011: Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry (2011), 1–25. http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/mp2010136a.html
[170] Estimating the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Conditions in Adults: https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/estimating-the-prevalence-of-autism-spectrum-conditions-in-adults
[171] Se: Microbial Ecology in Health & Disease Vol. 23, 2012, der det er publisert artikler fra symposiet ‘The gut and the brain – with focus on autism spectrum disorders’, holdt i mai 2012 ved The Nobel Forum of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Se spesielt: Tore Midtvedts artikkel: The gut: a triggering place for autism – possibilities and challenges. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/mehd.v23i0.18982
[172] Flere typer av vaksiner kan gi ADEM, deriblant meslingvaksinen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_disseminated_encephalomyelitis
[173] The United States Court of Federal Claims. Office of special masters. No. 02-0738V. Filed: 20 July 2007 https://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions/Abell.BANKS.02-0738V.pdf
[174] Rettens terminologi kan her misforstås, idet den kategoriserer Bailey Banks tilstand som tilhørende undergruppen atypisk autisme eller PDD-NOS, men uten å bruke denne betegnelsen konsekvent. Noen steder referer PDD til diagnosen [PDD-NOS], andre steder brukes PDD som synonym for autismespekteret: The term PDD refers to the class of conditions to which autism belongs. Betegnelsen autisme brukes tilsvarende i betydningen klassisk autisme, ikke som synonym for ASD. Oppklarende om bruken av disse termene er: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_Spectrum_Disorder, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDD og: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autistic_Disorder
[175] Anne-Marie Plesner, 1995: Gait disturbances after measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. The Lancet 1995; 345: 316.
[176] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-failures-part-3-influenza-vaccination/
[177] Peter Doshi, 2013: Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease. British Medical Journal. 2013; 346:f3037. https://bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f3037.full.print
[179] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-misinformation-flu-shots-equal-health/ – jf. også: https://newsvoice.se/2020/04/pentagonstudie-fluensavaccin-covid-19/
[180] Wolff, G. G. 2020: Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among DoD personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza season. Vaccine, vol. 38, nr. 2, side 350-354. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X19313647?via%3Dihub
[181] https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jun/14/countries-scramble-for-flu-vaccines-to-ease-pressure-of-second-coronavirus-19-wave og: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/932813
[182] https://www.aftenposten.no/norge/i/wPa4oM/fhi-har-bestilt-spesialvaksine-mot-aarets-sesonginfluensa
[183] https://www.natureofhealing.org/squalene-adjuvanted-flu-shots-for-the-elderly/
[184] Kuroda, Y. et al. 2004: Autoimmunity induced by adjuvant hydrocarbon oil components of vaccine. Biomed. pharmacother, juni, 58(5):325-37. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15194169/
[185] «Direct Order» Documentary (Full) – Soldiers Ordered To Take Anthrax Vaccine & Got Brain Damaged. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDDMsvErsQw&feature=youtu.be
[186] Asa, P. B. et al. 2000: Antibodies to squalene in Gulf War syndrome. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 2000 Feb; 68(1):55-64. https://pubmed.ncbi.mlm.nih.gov/1064045
– jf: https://stateofglobe.no/2020/07/28/den-squalenbaserte-vaksinen-fluad-som-a-kaste-bensin-pa-balet/
[188] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5729920/
[189] Se: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-failures-part-2-pertussis-vaccination/ – og https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/pertussis-vaccine-failure-not-failure-to-vaccinate/ [California schools are now suffering a Pertussis outbreak (3,455 cases in 2018 compared to 14 Measles cases) affecting primarily vaccinated children. … More recent studies show that by 5 years after completion of a DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series.]
[190] CDC Whistleblower ~ Vaccine-Autism Fraud Revealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg2M7nphmFw
[191] Pressemelding fra advokatfirmaet Morgan Verkamp, LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio, den 27.08.2014, se: https://canaryparty.org/commentary/timeline-of-events-in-the-william-thompson-cdcwhistleblower-scandal/ – Se også Barry (2015).
[192] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14754936 (publisert CDC-studie) —
[193] Se uttalelse fra Belsie González, Senior Public Affairs Specialist ved CDC, den 26. august 2014: http://socioecohistory.x10host.com/2014/08/29/cdc-responds-admits-omitting-vaccine-data/
[194] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4128611/
[195] http://focusautisminc.org/letter-from-cdc-whistleblower-to-cdc-official-julie-gerberdile/
[196] https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4546421/rep-bill-posey-calling-investigation-cdcs-mmr-reasearch-fraud
[197] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/cdc-blocks-testimony-vaccine-whistleblower-medical-malpractice-case-2/
[198] http://www.translationalneurodegeneration.com/content/3/1/16/abstract
[199] http://sharylattkisson.com/questions-surrounding-review-of-challenged-vaccine-autism-study
[200] http://www2.aap.org/pros/funding.htm
[201] Nettsiden til Somali American Autism Foundation: http://www.saafmn.org/
[202] Causal link found between vitamin D, serotonin synthesis and autism in new study http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140226110836.htm (Originalartikkelen finnes her: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24558199)
[203] Camilla Stoltenberg (nå leder for FHI) i Morgenbladet 25.02.2011: Meslingevaksine fører ikke til autisme. http://morgenbladet.no/spaltister/2011/meslingevaksine_forer_ikke_til_autisme#.VBiulSiMZBE
[204] Meslingeutbrudd ved økt reisevirksomhet og lav vaksinedekning. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 8, 2012; 132: 937–9.
[205] https://www.eastwoodslaw.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Walker-Smith.pdf
[206] VG, 18. april 2015: Thorvald og Gro snudde Ap-landsmøtet: Gro fikk flertall for obligatorisk vaksineforsøk. Thorvald fikk ja til heroin-assistert behandling.
[207] F. E. Yazbak (2010): Measles in United Kingdom. The ”Wakefield Factor”. https://www.vaccinationnews.org/measles-united-kingdom-wakefield-factor
[208] https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/measles-deaths-by-age-group-from-1980-to-2013-ons-data/measles-notifications-and-deaths-in-england-and-wales-1940-to-2013 – For å se dette i perspektiv kan en sammenligne disse tallene med vaksinerelaterte skader og dødsfall: The US scheme has paid out $3.5 billion since 1988 for 16,616 cases of vaccine injury and 1,219 vaccine-related deaths. Among the injury cases, more than 1,300 relate to brain damage, or encephalopathy. https://www.wddty.com/magazine/2017/july/vaccines-after-wakefield-so-are-they-safe.html – Som nevnt innrapporteres under 1% av vaksineskadene til VAERS.
For UK ble det for tiåret 2005-2015 rapportert over 20.000 tilfeller av vaksinerelaterte skader, derav over 10.000 alvorlige. Av disse var 1.113 knyttet til MMR-vaksinen. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/264023/response/652396/attach/3/FOI%2015184%20Final%20Response.pdf —
Når det gjelder dødeligheten av meslinger, er det som før nevnt fremgangen i den generelle ernærings- og helsetilstanden, samt de sanitære forholdene, vi først og fremst kan takke for nedgangen: Throughout the 1800s, measles epidemics occurred about every two years in the United States and England. During these epidemics, when suboptimal sanitation and nutrition were the norm, some hospital wards overflowed with children with measles and up to 20 percent died from pneumonia and other complications.
However, by the 1960s, deaths from measles had dropped to extremely low numbers in both England and the United States. In England, the percent decline from its peak level reached an astonishing 99.96 percent by the time the live attenuated measles virus vaccine was introduced in 1968. When the first inactivated (killed) measles vaccine was licensed in 1963, the measles death rate in some states like Massachusetts had reached zero. During this year, the whole of New England had only five deaths attributed to measles. […] In the past 12 years, CDC reports that no one has died of measles in the US, but US statistics show 108 people died because of measles vaccine. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/03/24/dissolving-illusions-measles-vaccine.aspx
[209] Andrew Wakefield i intervju med The Observer, 8. juli 2007. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2007/jul/08/health.medicineandhealth1/print
[210] Artikkelserien var skrevet av journalisten Brian Deer, basert på hans tidligere artikler i Sunday Times. http://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.c5347
[211] http://www.canaryparty.org/images/jwsappeal.doc
[213] https://www.ageofautism.com/2014/09/the-insanely-good-soul-of-dr-andrew-wakefield.html
[214] Text Message Confirms #CDCwhistleblower Apology to Wakefield for CDC MMR Cover Up
[215] https://www.focusforhealth.org/dr-brian-hooker-statement-william-thompson/
[216] Se kommentarspalten under nettartikkelen: Upresis og uhemmet giftbruk av Øivind Bergh (Trond Skaftnesmo, 09.09.2014) http://radikalportal.no/2014/09/09/upresis-og-uhemmet-giftbruk-fra-oivind-bergh/
[217] CDC Whistleblower Dr. Thompson on Thimerosal and Pregnant Women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EK4ZE-SPIc
[218] Early Thimerosal Exposure and Neuropsychological Outcomes at 7 to 10 Years: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa071434 – Studien var støttet av CDC og ledet at CDC-forskeren William Thompson. For øvrig deltok også en rekke forskere som arbeidet, eller hadde arbeidet, for vaksineprodusenter som Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, osv. Her kommer listen: Dr. Thompson reports being a former employee of Merck; Dr. Marcy, receiving consulting fees from Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline, and MedImmune; Dr. Jackson, receiving grant support from Wyeth, Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline, and Novartis, lecture fees from Sanofi Pasteur, and consulting fees from Wyeth and Abbott and serving as a consultant to the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; Dr. Lieu, serving as a consultant to the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; Dr. Black, receiving consulting fees from MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Merck and grant support from MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Aventis, Merck, and Novartis; and Dr. Davis receiving consulting fees from Merck and grant support from Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
[219] https://sharylattkisson.com/
[220] https://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/indusclient.php?id=H04
[221] Pr 2017 var det 56 vaksinepatenter som var registrert på CDC, dvs. eid av CDC og/eller patentert av CDC-medarbeidere: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/examining-Robert F. Kennedy-jrs-claim-cdc-owns-over-20-vaccine-patents Her er et eksempel på en slik patent: Vaccine against pandemic strains of influenza viruses https://patents.google.com/patent/US8163545?oq=vaccine+inassignee:centers+inassignee:for+inassignee:disease+inassignee:control – Se også:
— In total, 56 individual patents were found to be owned or shared by one or more members of the ACIP committee or other committees within the CDC.
[222] Filmen Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016) er produsert av Del Bigtree i samarbeid med Andrew Wakefield. http://vaxxedthemovie.com/stream/
[223] Kilder for dette kapitlet er Judy Mikovits to bøker Plague (2014) og Plague of Corruption (2020) og ikke minst forordet til Robert F. Kennedy jr. i sistnevnte bok, som summerer opp hennes sak på en utmerket måte.
[224] Fra Robert F. Kennedys forord til Plague of Corruption (2020).
[225] https://www.industrydocuments.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/#id=psdw0147 – Tobakksindustriens bruk av PR-firmaer i sine kampanjer, blir rene søndagsskolen mot dagens kampanje for obligatorisk vaksinering. Den innebærer et oppkjøp av politikere og systematiske kampanjer for lovendringer, ledet av blant andre American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), en Big Pharma-sponset lobbymaskin forkledt som en NGO:
https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/corporate-lobbying-group-alec-behind-mandatory-vaccine-agenda — ALECs innflytelse er heller ikke ubetydelig. Det er anslått at de står bak rundt 1000 lovforslag i året i USAs delstater, hvorav ca. 20% blir vedtatt: https://www.governing.com/topics/politics/ALEC-enjoys-new-wave-influence-criticism.html
[226] Kampen mot alternativ-medisinen i USA skildres grundig i Schjelderup (2014).
[227] Helt presis er det snakk om over 1400 lobbyister mot 535 Kongressrepresentanter. https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries/lobbyists?cycle=2019&id=H04
[228] FHI er vaksinegrossist og hadde i 2018 vaksineinntekter på drøyt 154 millioner (post 3710, s. 64). Dette er rett nok bruttosalgsinntekter, ikke nettofortjeneste. Men den kan ikke leses ut av årsrapporten, da utgiftene for vaksiner (post 0710, s. 64) er oppført som «Vaksiner mv». Hva som er inkludert i «mv» [med videre] er ikke spesifisert. https://www.fhi.no/globalassets/dokumenterfiler/rapporter/2019/arsrapport-2018—folkehelseinstituttet.pdf
[229] https://www.citizen.org/wp-content/uploads/2408.pdf – jf. https://www.citizen.org/article/twenty-seven-years-of-pharmaceutical-industry-criminal-and-civil-penalties-1991-through-2017/
[230] Et grotesk eksempel er Vioxx, et smertestillende og anti-inflammatorisk middel brukt ved leddgikt, produsert av Merck. Medikamentet hadde den ulempen at det firedoblet risikoen for hjerteattakk, noe Merck kjente til, men ikke opplyste om. Estimatene for antall dødsfall går fra 60.000 til 120.000. Det første tallet, som er fra FDA, tilsvarer antall drepte i Vietnamkrigen. Merck trakk produktet motvillig tilbake i 2004. Da saken kom opp, erklærte Merck seg skyldig i anklagene og vedtok en bot på 44 mrd. kr til dekning av kravene fra 27.000 saksøkere. Jf. Gøtzsche (2013)
[232] Se Skaftnesmo, 2013 – samt: John P. A. Ioannidis 2005: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Med. 2005 Aug; 2(8): e124. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1182327/ – og: John P. A. Ioannidis 2016: Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked: a report to David Sackett. J. of Clinical Epidem. Vol. 73, mai 2016, s. 82-86. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895435616001475
[233] https://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/09/business/09merck.html
[234] https://e24.no/naeringsliv/i/L0bv0V/farmasigigant-maa-betale-38-milliarder-til-22-kvinner — se også: https://steigan.no/2018/12/johnson-johnson-visste-i-mange-tiar-at-babytalkumet-deres-inneholdt-asbest/
[235] Jørgensen, L., Gøtzsche, P. og Jefferson, T. 2018: The Cochrane HPV vaccine review was incomplete and ignored important evidence of bias. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. Volume 23, Issue 5.
https://ebm.bmj.com/content/23/5/165 — En liten smakebit fra artikkelen som viser hva striden sto om:
The Cochrane authors mistakenly used the term placebo to describe the active comparators. They acknowledged that ‘The comparison of the risks of adverse events was compromised by the use of different products (adjuvants and hepatitis vaccines) administered to participants in the control group’. Nevertheless, this statement can easily be overlooked, as it comes after 7500 words about other issues in the discussion and under the heading ‘Potential biases in the review process’. Active comparators was not a bias in the review process but a bias in the design of the HPV vaccine trials.
The use of active comparators probably increased the occurrence of harms in the comparator groups and thereby masked harms caused by the HPV vaccines. It is noteworthy that many women were excluded from the trials if they had received the adjuvants before or had a history of immunological or nervous system disorders; […]
The Cochrane authors assessed the impact of industry funding ‘by meta-regression. No significant effects were observed’. They stated that, ‘All but one of the trials was funded by the vaccine manufacturers’, which is not correct. According to ClinicalTrials.gov, this particular trial (‘CVT’ or ‘Costa Rica trial’) was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline. Therefore, all included trials were funded by the HPV vaccine manufacturers and the meta-regression was meaningless.
The Cochrane Collaboration aims to be free from conflicts of interest related to the manufacturers of the reviewed products. Most of the 14 Cochrane authors on the first published protocol for the Cochrane review had major conflicts of interest related to the HPV vaccine manufacturers. The Cochrane review only has four authors; three of whom had such conflicts of interest a decade ago. The review’s first author currently leads EMA’s ‘post-marketing surveillance of HPV vaccination effects in non-Nordic member states of the European Union’, which is funded by Sanofi-Pasteur-MSD that was the co-manufacturer of Gardasil. (Alle referanser i teksten er her utelatt.)
[237] Samme sted.
[239] https://www.npr.org/2019/04/24/716953746/cdc-reports-largest-u-s-measles-outbreak-since-year-2000
[241] https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/ten-threats-to-global-health-in-2019
[242] https://vaxxter.com/update-operation-vaxx-samoa-a-manmade-measles-epidemic/
[243] https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/91/5/1014.full.pdf
[244] James Grundvig (2019): Measles Hysteria – from Samoa to the Congo https://vaxxter.com/measles-vaccine-samoa-congo/
[245] Vårt sammendrag bygger på en mer omfattende liste – https://vaxxter.com/the-real-crisis-in-samoa/ – som imidlertid er korrigert for enkelte tall.
[246] https://vaxxter.com/update-operation-vaxx-samoa-a-manmade-measles-epidemic/
[247] Ifølge denne National Public Radio-reportasjen – https://www.npr.org/2019/12/06/785487606/samoa-arrests-anti-vaccination-activist-as-measles-death-toll-rises?t=1577420939447 – ble han arrestert for følgende Facebook-innlegg, som omfatter kritikk av myndighetene (tidligere fremført mer spesifikt, med referanse til omfattende bruk av antibiotika og febernedsettende medikamenter som tylenol og paracetamol) og en – ifølge Samoas helsemyndigheter – falsk oppskrift for å kurere sykdommen. Dette er hva han sa i sitt Facebook-innlegg: Just before my phone gets taken 1000 mg vit. C sodium ascorbate taken dissolved in ¼ cup water every 3 hours. This will save your kids. They should be on their feet in 16 hours. Then start vitamin A for repair of damaged tissue. Save our kids. Nobody should have died. This is the greatest crime against our people by our own people. God Bless Samoa. Please stop this madness.
[248] https://vaxxter.com/update-operation-vaxx-samoa-a-manmade-measles-epidemic/
[250] https://nrk.no/okonomi/svineinfluensavaksine-for-650-mill.-1.7182655 — Når det gjelder ettervirkningene, se for eksempel: https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2019/06/05/et-trist-jubileum/ og: Tok anbefalt vaksine: Nå sovner Charlotte (12) flere ganger om dagen: https://www.tv2.no/2015/02/11/nyheter/svineinfluensa/toppsaker/6560028
I løpet av tiåret 2009-2019 er det blitt utbetalt rundt 350 millioner kroner i erstatning for vaksineskader: https://www.npe.no/no/Om-NPE/aktuelt/ti-ar-med-erstatninger-etter-vaksine-mot-svineinfluensa/
[252] https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nou-2019-13/id2654109/ — jf. https://advokatbladet.no/advarer-mot-ny-norsk-krise-lov/146299
[253] https://respectfulinsolence.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ROBERT F. KENNEDYletterSamoanPM.pdf
[254] Ifølge CBS-News var flertallet av de døde under 4 år: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/measles-in-samoa-deadly-outbreak-prompts-government-to-shut-down-public-services/
[255] Dette innrømmes nå åpent å være tilfelle for kikhostevaksinen, men det gjelder universelt for ineffektive vaksiner:
Jf. Abdalla S, Theo D. 2017: Resurgence of whooping cough may owe to vaccine’s inability to prevent infections. News and Events. Boston University School of Public Health. https://www.bu.edu/sph/2017/09/21/resurgence-of-whooping-cough-may-owe-to-vaccines-inability-to-prevent-infections/
Og for polio:
Beaubien J. 2017: Mutant strains of polio vaccine now cause more paralysis than wild polio. NPR; 28.06.2017. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/06/28/534403083/mutant-strains-of-polio-vaccine-now-cause-more-paralysis-than-wild-polio
For Covid-19, se: https://www.geertvandenbossche.org
[256] Wakefield, A. 2019: The Sixth Extinction: Vaccine Immunity and Measles Mutants in a Virgin Soil. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 24 Nr. 3, høsten 2019. https://www.jpands.org/vol24no3/wakefield.pdf
Moyer MW. 2019: Vaccines are pushing pathogens to evolve. Quanta Magazine, 30.05.2018. https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-vaccines-can-drive-pathogens-to-evolve-20180510/
[257] Sveinung Stensland i Vårt Land 15.06.2017: «Medisinens sakrament».
[258] https://www.berlingske.dk/samfund/nu-kan-du-selv-og-dine-boern-blive-tvangsvaccineret-mod-maeslinger-roede – jf. https://sarahwestall.com/denmark-passes-law-enabling-forced-coronavirus-vaccination/
[259] https://www.bt.no/btmeninger/leder/i/BRKWMw/unntakslover-truer-demokratiet
[261] https://rett24.no/articles/kommunale-koronabestemmelser-i-en-uoversiktlig-tid
[262] https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/slakter-stortinget—abdiserer/72266012
[264] https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/
[265] Proposisjonen (lovforslaget) ble fremmet for Stortinget onsdag den 18. mars og vedtatt lørdag 21. mars 2020. Loven ble så endelig bekreftet i en ny avstemning tirsdag 24. mars.
[266] Hitler trengte til sammenligning en hel måned fra han ble valgt til Rikskansler (30.1.1933) til han styrte hele Tyskland med fullmaktslover – fra og med «Riksdagsbrannsforordningen» av 28. februar samme år. «Loven for å avhjelpe folkets og rikets nød» (den endelige fullmaktsloven, som skulle gi regjeringen lovgivende makt i fire år), kom en måned senere! — https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasjonalsosialistenes_fullmaktslov
[267] https://nordnorskdebatt.no/article/koronaloven-forholdet-grunnloven
[270] Folkehelseinstituttet lanserer app: App blir frivillig. Klassekampen fredag 27. mars 2020. https://www.klassekampen.no/article/20200327/ARTICLE/200329975 – Etter at Datatilsynet hadde fått tenkt seg om et par måneder, kom de frem til at de ville forby datainnsamling i appen, fordi den var alt for inngripende i brukernes personvern. Da vedtaket ble fattet, den 12. juni, var det anslått å være 50-500 smittede i Norge, maksimalt 0,01% av befolkningen. Men FHI mener Datatilsynet står i veien for god virushåndtering og lover å nylansere Smittestopp til høsten. Jf. Klassekampen 20. juni 2020: Gir ikke opp sporingsapp.
[271] Ibid
[272] Klassekampen 28. mars 2020: EU vil dele data.
[274] https://greatgameindia.com/new-zealand-quarantine-camps/
[276] Makia Freeman 2018: China’s Technological System to Control Dissenters. https://www.activistpost.com/2018/06/chinas-technological-system-to-control-dissenters.html
[277] https://biohackinfo.com/news-bill-gates-id2020-vaccine-implant-COVID19-digital-certificates/
[278] Ibid: [Bill Gates] approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated. Se også: Science Translational Medicine,18. Dec 2019: Vol. 11, Issue 523, eaay7162. https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/11/523/eaay7162
[279] BILL GATES: «You Can’t Travel Without a VACCINE CERTIFICATE» – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A50TGg0FOjc
[282] https://ahrp.org/covi-pass-digital-health-passport-instant-global-dictatorship/
[283] https://id2020.org/ — Alliansen som står bak ID2020 er Microsoft (Gates), GAVI (Gates, m.fl.), The Rockefeller Foundation, konsernet Accenture og FN (WHO).
[285] https://biohackinfo.com/news-bill-gates-id2020-vaccine-implant-COVID19-digital-certificates/ — En ekstra ironi i denne saken er at nettmagasinet, som er rimelig teknofrelst, ikke formet artikkelen som noe angrep på Gates, snarere tvert imot. Tonen er mer i retning av: Wow! Kan det virkelig gjøres på denne måten?
[287] https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/ten-threats-to-global-health-in-2019
[288] https://www.incomediary.com/who-owns-facebook-the-10-richest-facebook-shareholders
[290] https://www.atnnow.com/bill-gates-new-population-control-microchip-due-launch-2018/
[291] https://medlem.nortura.no/smaafe/RFID/
[292] Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. http://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf
[294] http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
[295] https://www.businessinsider.com/scientist-simulated-coronavirus-pandemic-deaths-2020-1?r=US&IR=T
[297] http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
[298] https://cepi.net/about/whyweexist/
[299] https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/CEPI
[300] https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA72/A72_35-en.pdf
[301] https://www.who.int/images/default-source/infographics/budget/top-20.jpg
[303] https://sosialnytt.com/trump-kutter-stotten-til-verdens-helseorganisasjon/
[304] https://www.statnews.com/2017/05/23/who-director-general-tedros/ jf. http://www.geeskaafrika.com/21531/ethiopia-dr-tedros-confers-bill-gates/
[305] https://www.politico.eu/article/bill-gates-who-most-powerful-doctor/
[306] http://www.who.int/csr/disease/influenza/pandemic/en/
[307] https://steigan.no/2020/12/who-skriver-om-definisjoner-for-a-tekkes-vaksineindustrien/
[308] http://www.who.int/ihr/9789241596664/en/index.html
[309] https://bgr.com/2020/04/07/coronavirus-vaccine-phase-1-trial-for-bill-gates-backed-ino-4800/
[311] Ibid
[313] https://kfyi.iheart.com/content/2020-04-04-dr-fauci-vs-this-guy-professor-knut-wittkowski-on-the-coronavirus/ -jf. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.28.20036715v2
[314] Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance https://www.facebook.com/ShaneZenMusic/videos/henry-kissinger-bill-gates-call-for-mass-vaccination-global-governanceby-spiro-s/1141089379568949/ – fra 21.00 minutter.
[315] https://cormandrostenreview.com/report/ … if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.
[316] https://steigan.no/2020/12/who-innrommer-endelig-at-pcr-testen-skaper-falske-positive/
[319] https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-announces-funding-award-cepi-accelerate-development – jf. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/coronaviruses
[320] D. Raoult et al. 2020: Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin as a Treatment of COVID19: Results of an Open-Label Non-Randomized Clinical Trial. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32205204/
[321] Arshad, S. et al. 2020: Tratment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19. Int.Jour. of infectious diseases. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.099
[323] https://ahrp.org/COVID19-has-turned-public-health-into-a-lethal-patient-killing-experimental-endeavor/ –jf. https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2020/06/even-worse-than-recovery-potentially.html
[324] Bill Gates tells the secret behind the covd-19 vaccine (must watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQD5omnoenM
[325] https://therefusers.com/us-govt-admits-paul-offits-rotavirus-vaccine-causes-deadly-adverse-reactions/ – jf. https://www.nvic.org/Vaccines-and-Diseases/Rotavirus.aspx
[327] Immune Enhancement Peter Hotez (9. april 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxuJ6biLLyg
[328] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-dengue-vaccine-a-cautionary-tale/ Se også: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22536382/
[329] https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4864114/user-clip-fauci-speaks-vaccine-induced-disease-enhancement
[330] Snart ett år etter at Covid-19-vaksinene ble introdusert, kan vi slå fast at de land som var først ute med vaksinen er de land som nå er mest belastet med Covid-19. Se: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fully-vaccinated-countries-highest-number-new-covid-cases/ og https://www.globalresearch.ca/mass-vaccination-triggers-spike-cases-deaths/5746364
[331] Robert F. Kennedy jr. 2020: New Docs: NIH Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/new-docs-nih-owns-half-of-moderna-vaccine/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=b9cd48f8-c7e8-4808-861e-aea068cb2e01 (Sjekk også referanser til artikkelens kilder i denne artikkelen.)
[332] https://www.nrk.no/norge/pfizer-sier-vaksinekandidat-er-90-prosent-effektiv-1.15236651
[335] https://thehighwire.com/widespread-allergic-reactions-making-vaccine-safety-front-page-news/ & https://thehighwire.com/videos/cracked-teeth-other-covid-vaccine-side-effects/
[336] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32623-4/fulltext
[337] https://dryburgh.com/great-reset-cardinal-burke-archbishop-vigano/ & https://dryburgh.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Archbishop_Vigano_Open_Letter_to_POTUS-1.pdf
[338] Sherri Tenpennys live videointervju med trosleder Jill Noble: https://www.facebook.com/1065255952/videos/10219187754659109/
[339] Se: http://www.kulturverk.com/2013/10/11/humanismen-glir-over-i-det-transhumane – samt Skaftnesmo (2016)
[340] En del trosledere, prester og biskoper, har faktisk også innsett hvilken utfordring de, så vel praktisk som åndelig, står overfor:
[341] https://www.wanttoknow.info/health/1976_swine_flu_vaccine_60_minutes_transcript – Saken overskrider som nevnt det kan diktes opp. Spørsmålet er om det som skjer nå har samme karakter, bare i en global målestokk – jf. dette intervjuet: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4bwTCk5pOiup/ (‘Virus’ test revelations with David Icke and Andrew Kaufman)
[342] https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/endringer-i-bioteknologiloven-fra-1.-juli/id2721705/
[344] Mange av disse bekymringene er sammenfattet i denne høringsuttalelsen: https://steigan.no/2020/08/tilsvar-til-regjeringens-horingsforslag-om-a-endre-genteknologiloven/
[346] https://www.frittvaksinevalg.com/apent-brev-vedr-gmo-vaksiner
[347] Dr. Andrew Kaufman on London Real – Explaining Exosomes: https://youtu.be/TYqW2sBoVqA
[348] https://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/BLT.20.265892.pdf